RE: The authors of the "Best 5 Articles of 2008" that appeared in Archives of the TSC were awarded

The articles sent and published in our official journal "TKD Arsivi / Archives of the TSC" were evaluated by the board of editors and the ones listed below according to the chronological appearence were awarded as the "Best 5 Articles of 2008".

We congratulate the authors of these articles as well as the other authors and reviewers who support our journal with their invaluable contribution.

  1. Fatih Bayrak, Evrim Kömürcü-Bayrak, Bülent Mutlu, Gökhan Kahveci, Nihan Erginel Ünaltuna: Genetic analysis of the Irx4 gene in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Hipertrofik kardiyomiyopatide Irx4 geni analizi. 2008;36(2):90-5.
  2. Mehmet Timur Selçuk, Hatice Selçuk, Ahmet Temizhan, Orhan Maden, Hakan Ulupınar, Erkan Baysal, Erdal Duru, Ali Şaşmaz. Plazma asimetrik dimetilarginin (ADMA) düzeyi ve L-arginin/ADMA oranının koroner kollateral gelişimi üzerine etkisi. The effect of plasma asymmetric dimethylarginine (ADMA) level and L-arginine/ADMA ratio on the development of coronary collaterals. 2008;36(3):150-5.
  3. Zeynep Demet Ersoylu, Aylin Tuğcu, Özlem Yıldırımtürk, Vedat Aytekin, Saide Aytekin. Dipper ve nondipper hipertansiyonlu hastalarda sol ventrikül hipertrofisi, diyastolik fonksiyon bozukluğu ve aritmi sıklığının karşılaştırılması. Comparison of the incidences of left ventricular hypertrophy, left ventricular diastolic dysfunction, and arrhythmia between patients with dipper and non-dipper hypertension. 2008;36(5):310-7.
  4. Yelda Tayyareci, Gülşah Tayyareci, Yılmaz Nişancı, Berrin Umman, Zehra Buğra. Evaluation of the severity of mitral stenosis with a new index: isovolumic myocardial acceleration. Mitral darlığının ciddiyetinin belirlenmesinde yeni bir indeks: İzovolumik miyokardiyal akselerasyon. 2008;36(6):388-94.
  5. Hasan Arı, Süleyman Binici, Selma Arı, Mehmet Akkaya, Vedat Koca, Tahsin Bozat, Muhammet Gürdoğan. The predictive value of plasma brain natriuretic peptide for the recurrence of atrial fibrillation six months after external cardioversion. Plazma beyin natriüretik peptid düzeyinin kardiyoversiyon sonrası altıncı aydaki atriyal fibrilasyon nüksünü öngörmedeki değeri. 2008;36(7):456-60.