"Best of ACC.13" webine bedelsiz erişim olanağı

Değerli Meslektaşım,
American College of Cardiology, ACC Istanbul Consortium Chapter da dahil tüm International Chapter üyelerine, 15 Ekim 2013'e dek "Best of ACC" .başlıklı ACC.13 Kongre oturumlarının web sitesine bedelsiz erişim olanağı sağladı.
Konuyla ilgili ayrıntılar, aşağıdaki duyuruda yer alıyor.
İlgilendiğiniz takdirde bu olanaktan yararlanmanızı diler, bayramınızı kutlarım.
Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgözoğlu
TKD Gelecek Başkanı
ACC İstanbul Consortium Chapter Başkanı
Dear Dr. Assembly of International Governors,
As you may recall, ACC has developed a new “Best of ACC” course intended to make highlights from our Annual Scientific Session available to international physicians who may not be able to attend the congress in person. This program was offered to all of our Chapters earlier this year as a live or online program.
Since this is the first year we offering this program, we wanted to introduce it in an exclusive promotion for our Chapter countries. We are proud to offer complimentary three month (through 15 October, 2013) access to the online model of this year’s “Best of ACC” program. Directions for how to access the content may be seen in the attached document. Please feel free to post this program on your local society webpage, email it to your members, or utilize it in live programs within your country. It is our hope that you find this free trial to be indicative of all the benefits our course has to offer and that you will consider partnering with us to provide this education to the physicians in your country following next year’s Scientific Session.
The content for “Best of ACC” consists of 6 Learning Pathways from ACC’s Scientific Sessions with 1.5 hours of presentation per selected pathway featuring:
· Year in Review: 10-15 minutes of all important information impacting that pathway
· Key Late Breaking Clinical Trials (LBCTs) Information
o Case introduction of how to treat patients prior to LBCT
o Introduce LBCT information and similar case with new treatment options
· Key abstract(s) by pathways (1-2 not addressing LBCTs)
· Presentations from key/important symposia
· Guidelines and/or clinical documents being released prior to and/or at ACC.13 relevant to the selected pathway(s)
· Printable pdfs of all slides
· Downloadable mp3 files of all audio presentations
After successful 2013 “Best of ACC” courses in Saudi Arabia, India, and Egypt, we are confident that “Best of ACC” will be a popular and beneficial event for cardiologists in your country. Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions or comments. We hope you are as excited as we are about this opportunity for collaboration, and we look forward to hearing from you.
Connie Liu
Associate Specialist, International Affairs
American College of Cardiology
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