Abstract accepted for 29th Turkish Cardiology Congress with International Participation will be published in JACC Online Version on October 29, 2013

Abstract and case submissions for 29th Turkish Cardiology Congress with International Participation is extended till June 20, 2013 midnight. All the accepted abstracts will be published in Journal of American College of Cardiology (JACC) OnlineVersion on October 29,2013; together with the abstracts to be accepted for the TCT 2013.
In order to send the accepted abstracts after peer evaluation on time, we kindly request our submitters to complete their abstracts before June 20.
The Congress will be held on October 26-29, 2013 in Antalya that has the best natural sandy beaches of the Eastern Mediterranean and an uninterrupted civilization center for the last five thousand years.
Our Congress will be held in 10 parallel halls, as usual. The detailed Scientific Program will be announced online, soon and sent for accreditation to European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC) as the last five years Congresses.
Best regards with the hope of meeting in Antalya at the end of this October.
Prof.Dr. Omer Kozan
President |
Prof. Dr. Lale Tokgozoglu
President Elect
President, Scientific Committee |