Society Tr Eng


Terms for Sending Abstracts
  • Abstracts can be sent only with entrance of the system on web address. The abstracts sent by e-mail and/or post  outside of the system  will not be accepted.
  • The deadline for sending abstract is on 1 June 2012.The system of sending abstract will be closed after that day. The participants, who will use the online abstracts module first time must register on “New Participant” link.
General Rules for Abstract Summaries
  • On the system, the space for the abstract writing will be limited with 3000 characters except the title and author name. The system will not enable to write more than 3000 characters on this space.
  • The character of writing for sending abstracts is standardised automatically by the system for all the abstracts and is not possible use a different character.
  • Abstracts should be prepared as introduction, material and methods, results and debates.
  • The title should explain the consistence of the work. On the title of abstract summary all the words must be written in capitals except the small letter words which have a specific meaning like pH or NaCI. In the text, except chemical symbols or international units, when the abbreviation is used first time, the explanation of the abbreviation should be written in brackets afterwards.
  • For abstracts related to studies that has been done on people will be asked for an approval of the ethic commission and should be suitable for the Republic Of Turkey’s legislation.
  • The summaries that send by internet will be printed exactly same and for that reason should be careful about typing errors.
  • The abstracts has been chosen by the scientific committee to be presented at the congress will be published on the special supplement of Turkish Cardiologic Society Archive.
  • If the colleagues who accepted the duty of being a speaker or chairman of the sessions do not turn up the meeting without any alibi will not be given any assignment at least for one season as they caused problems during the congress.
  • Also there will be a record keeping for the participants who do not present abstract or hang their poster without any alibi and their abstract that has been sent as a first name for the next congress will not be accepted.
  • The abstract summaries that have been sent through an online system will be assessed and the e-mail consists the result of the assessment will be sent to the address which defined to the e-mail system from 23rd July 2012. The process of the assessments about the abstracts can be tracked on the system with the e-mail and password that belong to the participant.
  • Approved poster summaries should be prepared as e-poster via abstract system.

For the technical support or questions, please contact “
LookUs Bilişim” on (+90 216 372 66 44) or e-mail to