
Turkish Society of Cardiology Young Cardiologists Bulletin Year: 7 Number: 5 / 2024

Turkish Society of Cardiology
Young Cardiologists
Dr. Muzaffer Değertekin

Coordinator for the
Board of Directors

Dr. Ertuğrul Okuyan

Coordinator for the
Board of Directors

Dr. Can Yücel Karabay

Dr. Adem Aktan
Dr. Gülşah Aktüre
Dr. Bayram Arslan
Dr. İnanç Artaç
Dr. Ahmet Oğuz Aslan
Dr. Görkem Ayhan
Dr. Ahmet Anıl Başkurt
Dr. Özkan Bekler
Dr. Oğuzhan Birdal
Dr. Yusuf Bozkurt Şahin
Dr. Serkan Bulgurluoğlu
Dr. Ümit Bulut
Dr. Veysi Can
Dr. Mustafa Candemir
Dr. Murat Çap
Dr. Göksel Çinier
Dr. Ali Çoner
Dr. Yusuf Demir
Dr. Ömer Furkan Demir
Dr. Murat Demirci
Dr. Ayşe İrem Demirtola Mammadli
Dr. Süleyman Çağan Efe
Dr. Mehmet Akif Erdöl
Dr. Kubilay Erselcan
Dr. Kerim Esenboğa
Dr. Duygu Genç
Dr. Kemal Göçer
Dr. Elif Güçlü
Dr. Arda Güler
Dr. Duygu İnan
Dr. Hasan Burak İşleyen
Dr. Muzaffer Kahyaoğlu
Dr. Sedat Kalkan
Dr. Yücel Kanal
Dr. Özkan Karaca
Dr. Ahmet Karaduman
Dr. Mustafa Karanfil
Dr. Ayhan Kol
Dr. Fatma Köksal
Dr. Mevlüt Serdar Kuyumcu
Dr. Yunus Emre Özbebek
Dr. Ahmet Özderya
Dr. Yasin Özen
Dr. Ayşenur Özkaya İbiş
Dr. Çağlar Özmen
Dr. Selvi Öztaş
Dr. Hasan Sarı
Dr. Serkan Sivri
Dr. Ali Uğur Soysal
Dr. Hüseyin Tezcan
Dr. Nazlı Turan
Dr. Berat Uğuz
Dr. Örsan Deniz Urgun
Dr. İdris Yakut
Dr. Mustafa Yenerçağ
Dr. Mehmet Fatih Yılmaz
Dr. Yakup Yiğit
Dr. Mehmet Murat Yiğitbaşı

Bulletin Editors
Dr. Muzaffer Değertekin
Dr. Can Yücel Karabay
Dr. Muzaffer Kahyaoğlu
Dr. Ahmet Karaduman

Dr. Ahmet Karaduman
Dr. Berkant Öztürk
Dr. Burak Kardeşler
Dr. Kıvanç Eren
Dr. Mehmet Aydoğan
Dr. Murat Demirci
Dr. Murat Yiğitbaşı
Dr. Mustafa Candemir
Dr. Mustafa Lütfi Yavuz
Dr. Mustafa Yenerçağ
Dr. Ravza Betül Akbaş
Dr. Selvi Öztaş
Dr. Serkan Bulgurluoğlu
Dr. Yunus Çalapkulu
Dr. Yusuf Bozkurt 



Percutaneous coronary intervention with a bioadaptor compared to a contemporary drug eluting stent- one year primary outcomes (INFINITY-SWEDEHEART)Türk Kardiyoloji Derneği Genç Kardiyologlar Bülteni - Percutaneous coronary intervention with a bioadaptor compared to a contemporary drug eluting stent- one year primary outcomes (INFINITY-SWEDEHEART) (Dr. Yunus Çalapkulu)

Dr. Yunus Çalapkulu

Name of the Study: Percutaneous coronary intervention with a bioadaptor compared to a contemporary drug eluting stent- one year primary outcomes (INFINITY-SWEDEHEART)

Published in Congress: ESC Congress 2024

Link: https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0002870324001820

Full text has not been published yet


Today, modern stent methods continue to be used with significant improvements, while still forming a rigid cage within the coronary artery lumen. Furthermore, the annual incidence of target lesion failure (TLF) after the first year is 2%-4%, and half of the patients continue to experience angina after 5 years. The DynamX bioadapter has helical threads that unlock and detach after in vivo degradation of the bioabsorbable polymer coating. It also has a thin (71 µm) cobalt-chromium platform that releases sirolimus. This stent allows normal physiologic function and motion of the vessel and, together with adaptive remodeling, may reduce the need for reintervention and reduce angina following percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).


The INFINITY-SWEDEHEART study compared the efficacy of the DynamX bioadapter with a contemporary drug-eluting stent (DES) in the treatment of coronary artery disease requiring PCI.


In this single-blind, multicenter study, patients undergoing PCI for chronic or acute coronary syndromes were randomized 1:1 to undergo PCI with the DynamX sirolimus-eluting bioadapter (n = 1,201) or the Resolute Onyx stent (n = 1,198). Total follow-up was 12 months. The primary outcome of the study was TLF, a composite of cardiovascular death, target vessel myocardial infarction (TV-MI), or ischemia-induced target lesion revascularization (ID-TLR).


In the INFINITY-SWEDEHEART study, the median age at randomization was 68 years, with 2,399 patients, 76% male and 24% female. The composite endpoint of TLF at 12 months occurred in 2.4% in the DynamX bioadapter group and 2.8% in the Resolute Onyx DES group (95% confidence interval [CI] -1.94% to 1.11%, p < 0.001 for non-inferiority).

Secondary outcomes for DynamX bioadapter vs. Resolute Onyx at 1 year were 0.6% vs. 0.5% for cardiovascular death, 1.3% vs. 1.5% for TV-MI, 1.3% vs. 2.1% for ID-TLR, and 3.0% vs. 3.5% for target vessel failure (TVF), a composite of cardiovascular death, TV-MI, or target vessel revascularization.



The INFINITY-SWEDEHEART study demonstrated that the DynamX bioadapter resulted in fewer target lesions and vascular insufficiencies compared to Resolute Onyx DES in patients undergoing PCI for chronic or acute coronary syndromes.


These findings suggest that the DynamX bioadapter has a promising role for PCI across a broader range of coronary artery disease presentations. Further studies are needed to understand both long-term outcomes and efficacy when compared with other stent platforms such as everolimus-eluting durable polymer DES and biodegradable polymer DES (such as Orsiro) and in more complex anatomic lesions.


 2025 © Turkish Society of Cardiology.