
Turkish Society of Cardiology Young Cardiologists Bulletin Year: 4 Number: 1 / 2021

Turkish Society of Cardiology
Young Cardiologists
Dr. Muzaffer Değertekin

Coordinator for the
Board of Directors

Dr. Ertuğrul Okuyan

Coordinator for the
Board of Directors

Dr. Can Yücel Karabay

Dr. Adem Aktan
Dr. Gülşah Aktüre
Dr. Bayram Arslan
Dr. İnanç Artaç
Dr. Ahmet Oğuz Aslan
Dr. Görkem Ayhan
Dr. Ahmet Anıl Başkurt
Dr. Özkan Bekler
Dr. Oğuzhan Birdal
Dr. Yusuf Bozkurt Şahin
Dr. Serkan Bulgurluoğlu
Dr. Ümit Bulut
Dr. Veysi Can
Dr. Mustafa Candemir
Dr. Murat Çap
Dr. Göksel Çinier
Dr. Ali Çoner
Dr. Yusuf Demir
Dr. Ömer Furkan Demir
Dr. Murat Demirci
Dr. Ayşe İrem Demirtola Mammadli
Dr. Süleyman Çağan Efe
Dr. Mehmet Akif Erdöl
Dr. Kubilay Erselcan
Dr. Kerim Esenboğa
Dr. Duygu Genç
Dr. Kemal Göçer
Dr. Elif Güçlü
Dr. Arda Güler
Dr. Duygu İnan
Dr. Hasan Burak İşleyen
Dr. Muzaffer Kahyaoğlu
Dr. Sedat Kalkan
Dr. Yücel Kanal
Dr. Özkan Karaca
Dr. Ahmet Karaduman
Dr. Mustafa Karanfil
Dr. Ayhan Kol
Dr. Fatma Köksal
Dr. Mevlüt Serdar Kuyumcu
Dr. Yunus Emre Özbebek
Dr. Ahmet Özderya
Dr. Yasin Özen
Dr. Ayşenur Özkaya İbiş
Dr. Çağlar Özmen
Dr. Selvi Öztaş
Dr. Hasan Sarı
Dr. Serkan Sivri
Dr. Ali Uğur Soysal
Dr. Hüseyin Tezcan
Dr. Nazlı Turan
Dr. Berat Uğuz
Dr. Örsan Deniz Urgun
Dr. İdris Yakut
Dr. Mustafa Yenerçağ
Dr. Mehmet Fatih Yılmaz
Dr. Yakup Yiğit
Dr. Mehmet Murat Yiğitbaşı

Bulletin Editors
Muzaffer Değertekin
Bülent Mutlu
Süleyman Çağan Efe
Alper Karakuş
Oğuzhan Birdal

Bulletin Preparation
Dursun Akaslan
Betül Balaban Koçaş
Süleyman Çağan Efe
Cem Çöteli
Muhammet Dural
Alper Karakuş
Örsan Deniz Urgun
Oğuzhan Birdal
Göksel Çinier



Randomized Trial of Transfusion Strategies in Patients With Myocardial Infarction and Anemia- REALITYTürk Kardiyoloji Derneği Genç Kardiyologlar Bülteni - Randomized Trial of Transfusion Strategies in Patients With Myocardial Infarction and Anemia- REALITY (Dr. Alper Karakuş)

Reviwer: Dr. Alper Karakuş

Name of the Study :  Randomized Trial of Transfusion Strategies in Patients With Myocardial Infarction and Anemia- REALITY

Presented Congress: ACC 21

Full Text Link:

Background: Observational studies of transfusion strategies in acute myocardial infarction (AMI) have yielded many confusing results. The CRIT and the MINT randomized pilot studies compared transfusion strategies in AMI patients in a limited number of study populations, and again conflicting results were presented.

Objective: The REALITY study aimed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of the restrictive indication red cell suspension transfusion strategy compared to liberal transfusion strategy in patients with AMI and anemia.

Method: 666 patients with AMI (less than 48 hours since last ischemic symptom, STEMI or NSTMI) and hemoglobin value (Hgb) ≤8 to ≤10 g/dl (but >7 g/dl)  were included to study. The patients were 1:1 randomized to restrictive transfusion strategy group (n = 324, for Hgb ≤8 g/dl, target Hgb 8-10 g/dl ) or liberal   (n = 342, for Hgb ≤10 g/dl, target Hgb >11 g/dl) transfusion strategy group.

Results: At the end of the mean follow-up period of 30 days, the primary outcome (MACE) including all-cause death, re-infarction, stroke and ischemia caused by emergency revascularization was 11% in the restrictive strategy group and 14% in the liberal strategy group. In the per protocol and ITT cohort, noninfeiority criteria were met but no superiority criteria were met (HR 0.77, 95% CI 0.50-1.18, p < 0.05 noninferiority, p = 0.22 superiority). Looking at the primary outcome at the end of the first year, the ratio in the groups was 32.4% versus 28.1%, respectively, and noninferiority criteria were not met (HR 1.16, 95% CI 0.88-1.53). Analyzing the 1-year follow-up data, it was seen that the MACE curves crossed at 5 months in both strategy groups. Secondary outcome measures including bacterial infection (0% versus 1.5%; p=0.03) and acute respiratory distress syndrome (0.3% versus 2.2%; p=0.03) observed at a lower rate in the restrictive strategy group.

Conclusion: After 30 days of follow-up, the resctrictive transfusion strategy was shown to be non-inferior to the liberal transfusion strategy and was associated with more efficient cost-effectiveness. At the end of 1-year follow-up, it could not be shown to be non-inferior and was associated with a higher frequency of side effects.

Interpretation: The one-year data of the study unfortunately shows that there is still no clear transfusion strategy in AMI patients. However, considering that the REALITY study is the largest randomized study ever done on this subject, ongoing and new randomized studies will clear up the confusion.


 2025 © Turkish Society of Cardiology.