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Invitation Letter & Visa


Dear Colleagues;

National Congress of Cardiology, the twenty third of which is being organized this year, is the most prominent scientific congress of our country with its high quality scientific content and increasing number of participants.

This year most important part of the program will be the “ ESC – TKD Joint Session” which will take place with highest level participation of the Executive Committee of ESC. Traditional “Turkey – Poland Joint Session” will also be part of the congress program this year.

Every year included in the congress program are symposia, mini courses, “how to” sessions and “pro-con” debates which present the most updated information about cardiovascular diseases to our colleagues.

The “visual interactive education meetings” and joint symposia with other branches were introduced last year and attracted much applause. These programs will be developed further this year.

Our congress creates the opportunity to learn and discuss the recent scientific research done in our country with oral and poster presentations with a more developed new application this year: all posters will be prepared as “e-poster” in order to allow all the interested participants to review any poster at any time during the congress.

This congress will be run in 11 meeting halls and the program, like last year, will be held intensively in 3 full days. This productive approach, which occupies less of our participants’ busy work schedules had much support in last year’s congress.

I hope that you participate our diligently organized congress to strengthen our sharing of information.

Your sincerly,

Çetin Erol

European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology
The "XXIII. National Congress of the Turkish Society of Cardiology" is accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC) for 12 hours of External CME credits.
Each participant should claim only those hours of credit that have actually been spent in the educational activity. EBAC works in cooperation with the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), which is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS).

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